When it comes to food, many of us consider ourselves experts. After all, we feed ourselves every day! We know that greens are good and grease is bad, we know that lactose might make us feel sick but coffee perks us up, and we’ve pretty much decided which of our indulgences are personally acceptable and which we’ll try to shed. We’ve read the trending articles (or their headlines), and we know that to build muscle you eat protein, and to lose weight you count calories. Simple, right?
Except it’s not so easy. Dietitians aren’t just trained in a simple numerical equation- they’re well versed in an incredible number of nutritional woes. They know when you should eat and how much, which habits are keeping you from kicking that cholesterol problem, how to accommodate the changing tastes of an aging parent, or exactly what junk food is making your teenager so cranky. A dietitian can provide structure for a busy professional who doesn’t have time to meal prep, or motivation for a stressed mother struggling with breast feeding. So why are we proud to enlist a personal trainer but embarrassed to seek out a nutrition specialist?
When it comes to a New Year’s health plan, dietary professionals are often left by the wayside. But whether you abandoned No Takeout 2018 two weeks ago or are still proudly chugging along, here’s just six reasons you should make a dietitian part of your best year yet!
You have an allergy, intolerance, diabetes or high blood pressure
Sudden dietary restrictions can be daunting, and without proper research even dangerous! A professional will help you create a safe, healthy eating plan without compromising taste or nutrition.
You’re pregnant or trying to conceive
A nutritionist will make sure you’re getting appropriate concentrations of the vital nutrients your baby needs- and avoiding those they don’t!
You have longstanding digestive issues
Working with a professional can help you identify your trigger foods, and fine-tune your diet around typical aggravations, like caffeine or carbonation
You have fitness goals
Whether you’re a competitive athlete or a modest jogger, there’s more than just carbs and protein going into your performance. An extra hand to help you track hydration, vitamins, and when and where you’re eating, can give you a great head start.
You want better food literacy
Can you read nutrition labels? Do you understand the difference between good and bad cholesterol? Do you know how many snacks you should have a day? Or what a serving looks like? Or even what a calorie is? You can meet your dietitian with a list of questions in hand, whether they’re basic or complicated, silly or serious.
You feel uninformed or overwhelmed
We bombarded with so many pop science articles, fad diets, supplements and tabloid horror stories that sifting through them is practically impossible! A nutritionist cuts through all the noise and gets straight to the point- a trained doctor you can trust, not an airbrushed celebrity on a magazine. And most importantly, their advice will be tailored to YOU and your unique needs.
But if you’re still not ready to bite the bullet, there’s a FREE, low-pressure opportunity to see if a dietitian is right for you! Omni Therapy’s Trends in Happier and Healthier Lifestyles Event on February 1st will feature dietics and personal nutrition consultations- all included with your free entry! Tickets are extremely limited, so check out our facebook page to find out how you can reserve your seat today!